Paolo Pecere
Paolo Pecere is a historian of philosophy and a writer of fiction and literary non-fiction.
He is associate professor at the University of Roma Tre.
His last scholarly book is Soul, Mind and Brain from Descartes to Cognitive Science (Springer 2020).
His first novel La vita lontana was published in 2018 and he is the author of Risorgere (2019) and Il dio che danza (2021).
Recent books
Il senso della natura. Sette sentieri per la terra
Mechanism, Life and Mind in Modern Natural Philosophy
La natura della mente. Da Cartesio alle scienze cognitive
Il dio che danza
Soul, Mind and Brain from Descartes to Cognitive Science
Recent articles
- Il tarantismo e i paralleli etnologici: note sulla Terra del rimorso e la ricerca sulla possessione rituale oggi, "Mefisto. Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia", VII, 1 (2023), pp. 99-110 download
- Materialism, Lebenskraft and the limits of science. Metaphysical vitalism in post-Kantian scenarios, "Notes and Records of the Royal Society" (2023) download
- L'io senza soggetto e il soggetto senza io. Questioni kantiane tra logica e antropologia, "Paradigmi", XL, (2022) pp. 359-368. download
- Review of T. Pearce, Pragmatism's Evolution, "Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas" Volume 11 Issue 21 Item 8, (2022)
- 'Stahl Was Often Closer to the Truth’: Kant’s Second Thoughts on Animism, Monadology and Hylozoism, "HOPOS. The Journal of the International Society of the History and Philosophy of Science (2021). download
- History of Physics and the Platonic Legacy: A Problem in Marburg Neo-Kantianism, “British Journal for the History of Philosophy" (2021). download
- Reconsidering the “Ignorabimus”. Du Bois-Reymond and the “Hard Problem” of Consciousness, "Science in Context" (2020). download
- Physiological Kantianism and the “Organization of the Mind”: a Reconsideration, “Intellectual History Review" (2020). download
- Kant e la sostanza materiale: metafisica, fisica, esperienza, "Archivio di filosofia" (2019). download
- Ernesto de Martino e la Rivoluzione d’Ottobre, "Trame di letteratura comparata" (2019). download